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Lucznik Double Thread Set: Classic & Must-Have
Lucznik thread set: Classic Maxi
Lucznik thread set: Must-have Maxi
Lucznik Double Thread Set: Classic & Must-Have
Lucznik thread set: Classic Maxi
Lucznik thread set: Must-have Maxi

Lucznik Double Thread Set: Classic & Must-Have

  • A total of 20 spools of threads of 500 meters each, thickness 120. Polyester threads in classic colors for new and returning trends, and colorful threads in a full range of colors for everyday sewing. Outstanding and in tasteful packaging!

23,27 EUR(-10.03% Kupując w zestawie)
20,98 EUR
/ szt.
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Lucznik Double Thread Set: Classic & Must-Have
Lucznik Double Thread Set: Classic & Must-Have
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Lucznik thread set: Classic Maxi
Lucznik thread set: Classic Maxi
11,66 EUR / szt.
Lucznik thread set: Must-have Maxi
Lucznik thread set: Must-have Maxi
11,66 EUR / szt.
Raty PayU w Galerii Łucznik

Lucznik double thread set: Classic and Must-Have

This double thread set should actually be called "Must-have to square" - because it contains colorful everyday threads and threads in classic, dark colors - both ideal for both slightly more "chic" sewing and everyday work and repairs.

So the set actually consists of two sets. The first is a classic set of Archer threads - ideal for sewing subdued things, which are increasingly fashionable these days. The range of colors selected perfectly to stitch or sew denim pants, an elegant jacket or an autumn coat.

The second is a slightly more basic (although we prefer the word "essential") color set, a veritable indispensable for every seamstress in professional as well as home sewing. A multitude of vibrant colors combined with essential colors such as black and white guarantee that you will find the right shade of thread for any task.

The durability of these threads won't allow you to let any stitch slip through or break during hectic work on any fabric that falls into your hands! You also don't have to worry that your creativity will be unexpectedly interrupted by the inexorable end of the thread, as they have 500 meters of winding - on a convenient bobbin! That's as much as half a kilometer in your hands to use!

nici łucznik classic i must have

The safety of their manufacture, and thus the absence of any poisonous or irritating chemicals, guarantees the safety and hypoallergenicity of the finished product - no matter if it is a winter outer garment or a shirt lying next to the body. Of course, you can use them when mending or correcting imperfections that clothing companies have presented you with.

But why stop at such mundane work? As vintage is vintage - thanks to the Classic set, the world of classic fedoras and elegant trainers or adventurous denim jackets and hippie bell-bottom pants is open to you. In turn, the rich colors of the Must-have set will support the development of your creative senses. Above all - it will not stop you from creating new wonderful things that everyone will envy you!

The colors available in this combined set are:

  • Snow White (two spools)
  • Raven black (two spools)
  • Dark brown
  • Light gray
  • Dark gray
  • Ink
  • Navy blue
  • Copper
  • Maroon
  • Sepia (shade of brown)
  • Lemon
  • Lilac
  • Juicy red
  • Purple
  • Marine
  • Olive
  • Gray
  • Brown

In total, that's as many as 20 spools of thread (that's a whole 10 kilometers) making up 18 different colors and hues, in various saturations and shades.

nici łucznik classic

nici łucznik must have

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Rękojmia 24 miesiące
Rękojmia 24 miesiące
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