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Patchwork foot with red scale
Patchwork foot with red scale
Patchwork foot with red scale
Patchwork foot with red scale
Patchwork foot with red scale
Patchwork foot with red scale

Patchwork foot with red scale

  • Sewing foot for patchwork and quilting.
3,95 EUR
/ szt.
Towar dostępny w dużych ilościach
Towar dostępny w dużych ilościach
30 dni na łatwy/darmowy zwrot
Sprawdź, w którym sklepie obejrzysz i kupisz od ręki
Patchwork foot with red scale
Patchwork foot with red scale
Type:stopka do patchworku
Bezpieczne zakupy
Raty PayU w Galerii Łucznik

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Patchwork foot

The foot facilitates sewing patchwork and joining of fabrics using only straight stitch (lockstitch). The round hole, skids and foot guide make it easier to measure and guide the stitch line more accurately for precise and even sewing. Place the pieces of the materials to be joined under the patchwork sewing foot so that the edges of the materials meet the right edge of the foot.

The patchwork sewing foot provides smooth and straight stitch guidance along the entirety of the pieces of materials to be joined.

MATIC quick attachment system

The foot fits all Lucznik machines from the current sales offer. The foot is designed for most home sewing machines with MATIC quick-attachment handle. For older machines that do not have a snap-onholder , it is necessary to install it.

Examples of machines to which the foot fits

  • Lucznik: all machines from the current sales offer, such as Ewa 2014, Teresa, Polonia 2018, Sophia II 2015 ,Helena 2060, Marilyn 2018 HD, Kornelia 2005 and others.
  • Archer: 884, 827, 877, 814, 864, 834, 833, 838 - only with low Matic handle.
  • Archer cl. 400 - only with high Matic handle.
  • Singer: 4411 HEAVY DUTY, 4423 HEAVY DUTY, 3221, Brilliance 6180, C44 and others.
  • Singer: 814, 833, 518, 514 - only with low Matic handle
  • Janome with pendulum shank: 393, 415, 419S, E1015, JUNO J15, SAKURA 95 and others.
  • Elna with swing shank: 160, 220, 3210 Jeans, 560 and others.
  • Brother: NV-10, NV-35, NV-1250, 1100, 1800, VQ2, DS-140 and others
  • Juki: HZL-27Z, 353, F400, F600 and others
  • Minerva: B32, 250C, Decor Professional, Experience 1000 and others.
  • Toyota with shuttle and rotary gripper: 21DES, SPA15R, SUPER JEANS 26, QUILT226, SPA34, JFS18

Always do test sewing before the actual one.

Kod produktu
Pasuje do większości maszyn marek
Intended for
sewing together fabrics
stopka do patchworku
Rękojmia 24 miesiące
Rękojmia 24 miesiące
Zapytaj o produkt
Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.
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