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Electric bean coffee grinder CG-2019

Electric bean coffee grinder CG-2019

  • With the Lucznik CG-2019 coffee grinder you will prepare the perfect coffee - exactly the way you like it. Thickness of grinding corresponds to different types of coffee brewing methods: traditional, pressure, pour-over and alternative coffee makers
37,16 EUR
/ szt.
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CG-2019 coffee grinder + BT-2019 2-cup toaster

CG-2019 coffee grinder + BT-2019 2-cup toaster

53,50 EUR40,12 EUR
Taniej w zestawie o 25.01%
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Electric grinder coffee grinder Lucznik CG-2019 - become a barista in your home!

With the Lucznik CG-2019 coffee grinder you will prepare the perfect coffee - exactly the way you like it. Grinding thickness suitable for all kinds of coffee brewing methods: both traditional and brewing in pressure, pour-over and alternative coffee makers. French Press? Chemex? Drip? Aeropress? No problem! The eighteen-step grinding gradation will allow you to choose the right size of coffee particles for your favorite brewing method and give you the opportunity to experiment wildly with different types of coffees from around the world. Whether you fancy a double espresso, a classic black pour-over coffee or a velvety latte, it's easy to properly prepare your coffee for brewing.

Lucznik CG-2019 Coffee Gr inder is a device for really demanding coffee enthusiasts. It allows you to professionally grind coffee for a variety of brewing methods giving you a choice of as many as 18 grinding gradations. Convenient dial clearly indicates which brewing method corresponds to each degree of coffee grinding.

The metal mechanism of the grinder ensures accurate and efficient operation in all conditions, thanks to its precision and durability it will become a witness of countless coffee meetings with friends and crisp mornings.

Lucznik CG-2019 Coffee Gr inder has an intelligent dosing system, thanks to which you will precisely prepare measured coffee for several people - up to 14 cups. You will not be frightened by any family celebrations or unexpected visits of friends. Especially since the capacity of its chamber for ground coffee allows you to fit as much as 240 g of coffee. The bean hopper itself holds 95 g of them. The Lucznik CG-2019 coffee grinder is also energy-efficient and, saving us unnecessary effort, automatically shuts off when finished.

The Lucznik CG-2019Coffee Gr inder looks stylish and professional on any kitchen countertop. Its non-slip feet on the bottom protect the device from accidental movement. Speaking of safety, it's worth mentioning that this grinder is TUI-certified - thanks to this designation, we can be sure that the device has been comprehensively tested for electrical, mechanical, toxic, and even thermal and radiological effects. It has also been checked for pressure resistance, electrical insulation properties and other factors that directly affect user safety during operation.

TheLucznik CG-2019 Coffee Gr inder comes with a two-year warranty and an instruction manual in Polish, which should be read before using it.

Kod produktu
Moc [eng]
200 W
Napięcie zmianowe
Pojemność zbiornika na ziarna
95 g
Pojemność zbiornika na zmieloną kawę
240 g
Rodzaj wtyczki sieciowej
Długość przewodu
100 cm
Zastosowanie młynka
Kawa do ekspresu ciśnieniowego
Kawa do eskpresu przelewowego
Kawa do kawiarenki włoskiej
french press
alternatywne metody parzenia
Adjustability of grind size
18 stopni regulacji
Możliwość wyboru ilości
od 2 do 14 filiżanek
Możliwość wyjęcia górnego żarna
Wysokość (cm)
26,6 cm
18,5 cm
ok. 12,5 cm
1,35 kg
metalowe, płaskie
Gwarancja 12 miesięcy AGD
Gwarancja 12 miesięcy AGD
Zapytaj o produkt
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