- The perfect set for people who want to make delicious snacks in a convenient and fast way. A homemade popcorn machine that will make any movie night more enjoyable. A cotton candy machine will sweeten any family party.
W zestawie
Popcorn Maker AM-6611 C
20,66 EUR / szt.
AM-6214 A cotton candy machine
29,84 EUR / szt.
Popcorn Maker AM-6611 C
The AM 6611 C-23 popcorn maker is an ideal device for children, people who like to pop popcorn for movies and for those who are looking for a healthy snack. With the help of this equipment, anyone will be able to prepare delicious, crunchy and healthy popcorn at home. This is a great device for anyone who appreciates delicious and healthy popcorn. With it you can easily prepare a large amount of delicious popcorn, which will be the perfect snack for movies, video games and other types of entertainment.
Key features
- preparation of popcorn without fat
- large capacity - will hold 50-60 g of corn kernels
- popcorn preparation time - 3-4 minutes
- compact size
- dishwasher safe (measuring cup and cover)
Device for cotton candy AM-6214 A
Homemade cotton candy is a dream come true for every toddler and adults in whom a child still slumbers. The device allows you to prepare cotton candy in just 3-4 minutes. To make cotton candy we only need ordinary sugar.
Key features of AM-6214 A
- Preparation time: 3-4 minutes
- Diameter bowl: 27,5 cm
- Protective cover for easy preparation of cotton wool(stops cotton woolfromblowingout of the bowl)
- Wooden sticks included
- Sugar measure included
- Rubber feet for stability
Gwarancja 12 miesięcy AGD
Gwarancja 12 miesięcy AGD
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