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HEPA exhaust filter for Lucznik vacuum cleaner OT-2022

HEPA exhaust filter for Lucznik vacuum cleaner OT-2022

  • HEPA exhaust filter for the Lucznik OT-2022 vacuum cleaner.
7,02 EUR
/ szt.
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HEPA exhaust filter for Lucznik vacuum cleaner OT-2022
HEPA exhaust filter for Lucznik vacuum cleaner OT-2022
Bezpieczne zakupy
Raty PayU w Galerii Łucznik

HEPA exhaust filter for the Lucznik OT-2022 vacuum cleaner is a component that significantly improves the efficiency of vacuuming and helps keep the air in your home clean.

This filter is specially designed for use in the Lucznik OT-2022 vacuum cleaners and offers many benefits:

  • Superior filtering: the HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter is known for effectively removing even the smallest particles of dust, allergens, bacteria and viruses. As a result, it provides efficient air purification while vacuuming.
  • Allergen reduction: The HEPA filter is great for allergy sufferers as it effectively removes pollen, dust mites and other allergens from the air, improving indoor air quality.
  • Long-lasting performance: The HEPA exhaust filter for the Lucznik OT-2022 vacuum cleaner is durable and designed to last a long time, minimizing the need for frequent replacements.
  • EASYINSTALLATION: Replacing the exhaust filter in the Lucznik OT-2022 vacuum cleaner is simple and requires no special tools or skills. Simply remove the old filter and insert the new one.
  • Helps keep the air fresh: The HEPA filter helps keep the air in your home fresh and clean, which is especially important for people with allergies, asthma and otherrespiratory conditions.
Kod produktu
Rękojmia 24 miesiące
Rękojmia 24 miesiące
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