Footmassager Lucznik B-8063 - new version 450 Watt
Thenew, more powerful version of the B-8063 foot hydromassager has the function of heating the water, that is, heating the feet with infrared radiation and maintaining the temperature during the bubble and vibration massage. TheB-8063 foot hydromassager will give you a pleasant experience by improving blood circulation, accelerating cell regeneration , activating and invigorating your feet and relaxing muscle tension .
The foot massage triggers a feeling of relaxation and indulgence, intensified by the heat it emits - the device's heating plate heats water to a pleasant temperature of about 48 - 50 oC, which it then maintains at a constant level. The new, more powerful version is up to 450 watts of power! It comes equipped with tabs for stimulating the relevant areas of the feet, as well as a brush and pumice stone for scrubbing.
Massage modes: bubble, vibration, infrared
Massaging rollers
Pumice stone
Included accessories: instructions in Polish, brush, pumice stone, massage rollers
Foot massager stimulates circulation, relaxes muscle tension massaging tabs stimulate relevant areas of the feet additional accessories facilitate foot care
Power 450 W
Color white-violet
Warranty 24 months
Power supply
Safety in use
The B-8063 massager has a temperature control to control heating. The internal fuse protects against electric shock and short circuit and is separated from the electrics so that it does not come into contact with water. The massager has internal dimensions: about 30 cm long x about 29 cm wide - so even people with a foot size of 46 can easily use this device!
24-month warranty
TheB-8063 mass ager comes with a 24-month warranty and an instruction manual in Polish, which should be read before using the equipment.
See how the 350W version of the B-8063 hydromassager works
Świąteczne szaleństwo tuż za pasem - zbliża się czas, kiedy myślimy o naszych bliskich, a zwłaszcza o ich marzeniach. Czasami chcemy pomóc w rozwoju ich pasji (zwłaszcza, kiedy szyją!), a czasem po prostu sprawić podarek, który wywoła uśmiech na twarzy i ciepło w sercu. Specjalnie dla Was stworzyliśmy mikołajkowo-świąteczny poradnik, który pomoże zainspirować się przy wyborze wyjątkowych świątecznych niespodzianek. Wybraliśmy dla Was 7 "pewniaków', które według nas mają największą szansę stać się tegorocznymi hitami.